Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not everything this season has been a happy finding.......

I moved a lamp in the living room the other evening. I have moved it an inch or two from its previous spot several times, or at least I thought I had.....

Anyway, this time when I moved it I noticed an odd black thing on the rug, and thought that resembles the shape of a lizard.....oh how funny, but it can't be, and if it is why would it be black, and did someone leave a rubber lizard in the living room that I've never noticed.....

all the while the realization of what this really was dawning on me.........hoping to find when I moved
the black thing, that it was just an oddly shaped piece of paper, or a rubber lizard, or a stain, or
anything but what it was.....

a no longer living lizard......and from the looks of it, he hadn't been with us for quite a while.....

As near as I can tell it is my lizard from the previous summer (09 not 10)......the green anole, which as children we called a chameleon.

I had wondered when I didn't see him this past summer, as he was a regular visitor to the patio in 09......I thought maybe the skinks had run him off.....

I can guess that he came into the apartment at some point when I had the sliding door open, as the screen has a gap in it along the back edge when the sliding door is open, and that the opportunity to make his way back out didn't present itself to him in the right time for him to escape....

why I never saw the cat after him, or why she didn't drag his little nonliving lizard self around the apartment, I don't know.....

With a heavy heart I took him outside, buried him, and said the words that I've heard so many times...... his heart has known love, and although he is no longer with us, he is now wherever we are.......

Happy Trails little buddy.......

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