Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What a month

So as I look at my blog I see that I so far have written one post in June, and that was on the 3rd.....and here it is June 29......clearly after the unexpected death of a dear friend on June 3, the subsequent working with others to support the family, culminating with singing with the choir at his memorial service, I have been at a loss for words.

The fact that I started this blog after buying his used camera, so that I would have pictures to tell my stories (since as we all know a picture is worth a thousand words...)....hasn't made it easier.

I found myself doing many things to cope, and learned a great deal about myself in the process.   I helped a friend move on 3 different days, have spent much time in the yard pulling weeds, and Johnson Grass, mowing, moving (one more time) the 10 Holly bushes, digging up the landscape evergreens that I killed.......

So much of my life I have dealt with emotional pain by doing hard physical work, usually working at a stable, doing the things that make one's muscles tired, and cause much sweat and the dirt to cling...yesterday while attacking the unwanted grass in the yard, I realized that there was no way to tell if I was sweating or crying; I had water flowing down my face in rivers.

A friend said of our friend's death that he and someone else had been trying to make sense of it. They had commented that he was a person who did the things that he loved, and threw himself into those things, and that our lesson should be to do the same.

I pondered that in confusion for a moment and then realized that exactly 1 week after his death, I got HOPE.
The wonderfulness of her name (she was the second of 3 sister puppies, FAITH, HOPE and LOVE), is second only to the wonderfulness of her.

She is a good, potentially great dog, especially for a puppy, and Halle absolutely loves her.

So in losing my friend, I have gained a new reason to blog.....and it's the Story of HOPE.......

1 comment:

  1. Loss of a friend is always so hard. Please know I'll be praying for you.
    btw: you have a beautiful blog. The pictures are beautiful!
