Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What to do, what to do.....

So Ms. little black cat was hanging around last night and today.   I went outside and as she typically does she started off with a meow, started walking, looking over her shoulder to make sure I was following, and meowing.....we went the same way that she's taken me 3 times previously.

Again, it seemed that maybe she would take me to an apartment, and I could find out if someone had recently moved in or out or.....

so today she kind of did that, and nearby was a young woman talking on the phone, standing outside her apartment.  So I asked the young woman if she knew whose cat it was....turns out, according to her, the cat has been wandering around for almost a month, and someone had put some food and water out for her, under the pool deck (this person's apartment faces the pool).

I realized that was one of the places that Ms. Kitty had been taking me, her empty food bowl.   The young woman and I surmised that it was possible that the apartment that she'd taken me to was empty.  She said that the people who'd lived there had had a table and chair outside the apartment, and both were now gone.

At least I now have an apartment number, to ask about tomorrow at the apartment office, but the dilemma still remains, what is the best option for Ms. Kitty.  Frankly if I thought Halle would not try to kill her, or would learn to live with her in harmony, I might be up for adopting a second black stray cat, then I could have Halle, and Mini Halle......or Halle before she lived with me, and after or something.....

Truthfully, the siamese part of little black kitty is very apparent.   There are times that Halle's probably siamese heritage shines through, but the little kitty, complete with really large ears, and the ability to go for a walk with a person in dog like fashion, except for the meowing, remind me much of my longtime siamese cat from childhood, Pandora.

The weather is supposed to turn extremely cold and wet by the end of the weekend, so some decision seems imminent, as it just doesn't seem like she has a home, if she's been getting fed under the pool deck, and especially since her bowl was completely empty, and actually had water in it as if it had rained in it.  It rained about a week ago, so it appears that this bowl at least hadn't had food in it for a while, or the food would have been mushy from the rain.

Part of the dilemma is that according to my new friend, there are several people (including her) who let their cats out to run around, and she is afraid that the cat might belong to someone.  But her cat is obviously well fed, and I don't think anyone would mistake her for a homeless cat.   Little black kitty has an ear that looks like it needs treatment and again is outside quite a bit of the time, at all hours, especially when you consider that she is declawed on her front paws, so wouldn't be able to climb a tree to get away from a dog or other threat.

My plan is to have a decision by Friday.   I wish the knowledge of what is the best for her, Halle and me would miraculously come to me, but I'm guessing it will in the end be just a guess of what the best choice is......As with the weather being forecast, 

The courtyard could go from looking like this.........


To looking like this,  a rather unfriendly environment for a homeless kitty.

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