Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Saga of the "Bed"

For today's amusement we finally have proof that Halle B (Blackcat) Berry is positive that she is a dog......Hope's crate ended up in the living room (long story not important), and so Halle goes in this morning, kneads the bed a few times, and settles in....

the door is open....

And her dog sister, the one whose bed it really is????   Somebody mentioned 

recently, or asked if Hope was 'spoiled'......well my thought was not......

 because she has for the most part taken her 

obedience lessons to heart.....and unfortunately this adorable pic was 

made possible by the 
suggestions that she 'get in her bed' 

(crate=bed) and 'stay'......door to the 'bed' was still open......

and the 'torture' only lasted long enough to snap the pic....

Ya know that thing, where one sibling doesn't want something til the other

 sibling takes it????.....

well guess where the cool place to hang out is now....door is still open.....

 Post Script:   Several days's still the place to be, and the best place to take a kitty bath.........

Saturday, January 11, 2014


More in the world's oddest dogs, Hope loves absolutely loves our regular mailman....Terry......

she hates and will act like the world's fiercest watchdog with anyone else delivering our mail......

if he comes and doesn't tap on the window to say hi, or she misses getting to see him, she looks and me and whines.....actually it's more like she carries on an extended conversation with me about how sad she is that he didn't say hello (it of course is always, his fault in her mind)......

today he tapped on the window at her, and she was beside herself with happiness...she then came over to me and for the first time since I've had was hysterical.....all her little front teeth showing.....

.isn't puppy love great?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pink Hope

So little Miss Hope loves pink toys.   Here she is with several of them, and her discarded non pink duck toy in the background.  She arranges them herself and often has them grouped by color.

 So for Christmas a friend, her Auntie Maurine, sent her these two little balls.  Christmas evening I realized that she was only playing with one of them, even though they were both put in the same spot for her to play with after 'unwrapping them'.   Guess which one she was playing with........
If you guessed the one on the right (the one with 'pink'), you are correct!   What a hoot it is to live with her.

The not so fun part has been that she has had intermittent bouts of really terrible tummy troubles.   We have spent the better part of the past year trying to figure it out.  It isn't her regular diet, but we thought it might be something she was getting infrequently like treats for training.  So now she gets only her regular diet, no treats of any kind.

Which brings me back to Christmas, Auntie Maurine knew of the tummy issue so didn't sent any treats.  Not for Hope or for Halle B (Black Cat) Berry.   She did send a green (yes, Halle prefers green toys), rabbit fur mouse for Halle.   I saw it and thought hm, I hope that Hope doesn't try to eat it, but didn't act on that thought by putting it out of her reach.

Yesterday I found this
Yes, it is the little green mouse that was Halle's present, minus its tail, the 'fur' on it's head and part of its head and body.   I had shared the picture with another of Hope's aunties, Auntie Val, and said isn't it odd that she left the ears.  Val's reply?   Not odd at all, they are pink.

Oh right, we can't destroy the mousy ears, because they are pink! 

Priorities,  life is about priorities ......



Oh Dear, or what a difference a week makes.....

So this is Oklahoma and we have seasons, and weather, but it seems that we really get winter in odd numbered years (as in the ice storm of 07, the blizzard of 09, and the really big snow storm of 11).  Thus far this winter we've had about 6 inches of snow in one snow at my house (parts of the city got less, I think of it as the 'river effect snow'.)  And here is a lovely Christmasy picture of my little pine tree in the snow with its decorations of red and green..... 

So then a couple of weeks later we get freezing rain, which translates into 'ice', which is not nice like snow.  Ice does really bad things to trees, and power lines, and can make us all powerless in a heartbeat.   It also really crushed my little pine tree.   I posted about it on Facebook, while battling the sick feeling in my stomach that seeing my tree like this did to me.  I realized that I grew up in a family that loved its trees almost as we loved out pets, and we really really loved our pets.

Many friends posted that pines are quite flexible and resilient.  I quickly realized this was a good lesson for me, flexibility in the face of adversity.   But I was really afraid for my tree.  Especially after driving around town and seeing massive pines just destroyed by the ice.  Several people posted suggestions, like knocking the ice off the tree, except it continued to rain, the lovely freezing rain for about 12 hours, dawn to dark.

And it occurred to me that another truism from my life is that when I try to 'fix' things rather than letting them fix themselves, things often get worse.   So I left it alone.   I did ponder getting out my hair dryer and melting the ice, but I left it alone.

So that brings us to this, 4 days later (it took that long to get above freezing).

 I figure a few days with our wonderful strong south winds (see previous post on the advantages of my little house), and it will be right as rain, or as good as it was before.

A lesson learned.....flexibility in the face of adversity can save a tree, or a person.......